A wide selection
We work unremittingly on the new varieties of the future. Within each sector, we offer various varieties that meet the needs and requirements of the different customers.
Call +45 7512 2226 to find out more.
Potatoes with bite
It is the taste, texture and culinary experience that consumers look for when buying the best for the dinner table. Contact us to find out which taste tests our varieties have won.
Potatoes since 1905
Karmark International A/S is part of the worldwide Europlant GmbH Group, which has been producing and dealing in seed potatoes and ware potatoes since 1905. Our core markets are the UK, Sweden, Norway and Denmark; we grow and sell our varieties in these markets.
Our ePotato concept allows us to offer individual customers quick and easy access to all relevant information concerning the current cultivation conditions of the seed potatoes they are ordering. The idea of the ePotato concept is to optimize the crop for the individual grower
Organic authorisation no.: 877 929.
The applicable RUCIP rules are the terms of trade.